Transaction Code Assign company code to field status variants :– OBC5
IMG Menu Path :– Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) > Finance Accounting –> Finance Accounting Global Settings –> Documents –> Line Item –> Controls –> Assign Company code to Field Status Variants
Steps for Assigning company code to field status variants :-
Step 1 :- Enter T-Code SPRO in the Command Field of the SAP Easy Access Menu Screen and press Enter key on the Keyboard
Step 2 :- In next screen click on Click SAP Reference IMG Icon
Step 3 :- In next screen follow the menu path
Step 4 :- In next screen Click on position and update the company code and press enter
Step 5 :– In next screen update field statues variant in the Fld Stat.Var. field
Step 6 :- After Assign company code to field status variants, Click on save icon to save the configuration settings
Thus Company code AD06 is successfully assigned to field status variants.