I will explain how Predictive Accounting in SAP S/4HANA 1909 and below blog post divided into 3 areas like Configuration, Apps and Reporting.
Predictive accounting enables you to take the most up-to-date data from areas in S/4HANA outside of Finance, such as Sales; other integrated products, such as SAP Concur; or external systems, and use it to predict future results at any time. You then have a better understanding of what your accounting results, at the end of the current period or quarter.
SAP S/4HANA 1809 has introduced predictive accounting and some improvements in the 1909 version like the Monitor Quality Predictive App
(A) Availability:
Scope item 2FD (Accounting for Incoming Sales Orders) as BP content covers the predictive accounting for incoming sales orders.
(B) Customization Setup:
The setup to activate predictive accounting is quite simple and straight forward. It involves below steps:
1. Define Settings for Ledgers and Currency Types
Path: SPRO -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings-> Ledgers-> Define Settings for Ledgers and Currency Types
Transaction Code: FINSC_LEDGER

Here a new ledger is to be created as extension ledger with type as “P – line Items with technical Numbers / no deletion possible”. This type is newly introduced in version 1909. The base ledger for this should always be leading ledger, so that the report can contain the actual data coming from leading ledger and predictive data from this extension ledger.
Once ledger created it can be extended to the relevant company codes:

Accounting principal assigned to this extension should be same as leading ledger, as predictive accounting is just an extension of your main reporting with forward-looking data.
2. Define Ledger Group
Path: SPRO -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings-> Ledgers->Ledger-> Define Ledger Group
Transaction Code: S_AL0_19000001
Here you create a new ledger group which contains only above special extension ledger created for predictive accounting:

3. Map the predictive ledger to the control settings:
Transaction Code: SM30
Here this dedicated extension ledger for predictive accounting should be maintained, so that SAP know which one is to be used for posting of incoming sales orders:

4. Activate Predictive Accounting for Incoming Sales Orders
Path: SPRO -> Controlling -> Profitability Analysis -> Flows of Actual Values -> Transfer of Incoming Sales Orders -> Activate Predictive Accounting for Incoming Sales Orders
Transaction Code: FINS_PRED_INC_SO_ACT
For the controlling area, activate the incoming sales order with indicator “Active with date of entry”:

5. Maintain Billing Types for Predictive Accounting
Transaction Code: SM30
Here, all the billing types which you want to get considered by predictive accounting must be maintained, e.g.:

6. Maintain SD item categories for Predictive Accounting
Transaction Code: SM30
Here, all the SD item categories which you want to get considered by predictive accounting must be maintained, e.g.:

7. Mapping of Financial Statement version to semantic tag
Transaction Code: FINSC_FAGL2SEMTA
In this Transaction Code maintain the mapping of FSV to semantic tags. This is an important step to get the data and display in the apps.

- When Sales Order is created (Transaction Code: VA01), two documents created in the predictive ledger. At this time no entries created in the leading ledger.
Transaction Code: VA03 (Display Sales Order)

Accounting Entries in Prediction Ledger:
Two Predictive Entries are created as below:
- PGI Transaction type: RMWL
- IR Transaction type: SD00

Use Fiori App “Display Predictive Accounting Document” to view the predictive accounting document.
Post Goods Issue:
Document: PA000000B0

Document: PA000000B1

- After PGI, one document is created in the leading ledger and one document in the prediction ledger with reduction status as 3(Reduction Posting).
Entries in Leading Ledger (0L):

Document: 4900000013 (PGI Accounting Document)

Entries in Predictive Ledger:
One Entry Created with reduction Posting Status 3

Document: PA000000L0

- After IR created, one document is created in the leading ledger and one document in the prediction ledger with reduction status as 3 (Reduction Posting).
Entries in Ledger 0L in ACDOCA:

Document: 9300000004

Accounting Entries in Ledger PA :
One Entry Created for Billing with reduction status 03.

Document: PA000000M0

Final Overview:
Ledger | 0L | PA |
Sales Order (92) | No Entries | Two Entries (Doc No : PA000000B0,PA000000B1) |
PGI | 4900000013 | PA000000L0 with reduction status 3 |
Billing | 9300000004 | PA000000M0 with reduction status 3 |

In this table we can see all sales order created with different status as 01 (Processed Successfully),02 (Processed with Errors) and 03(Cancelled)
Reporting and Analytics for Predictive Accounting:

Sales Accounting Overview:
Here you can see that data from leading ledger and prediction ledger can be combined to see the incoming sales order impact even if there is no actual PGI/Billing:

Incoming sales Order:
This report shows the incoming sales order details with postings for prediction ledger:

Monitor predictive Accounting App:
This App shows only an errors in when sales order created.

Gross Margin:
This fiori application show the prediction postings with actual postings allows users to analyze the expected results at period/quarter end:

Issue Identified:
In the Monitor predictive Accounting App shows non activated company code of predictive ledger.
Solution: Implement the note 3074498
In SAP S/4HANA 1809 and 1909, the following restrictions apply for predictive accounting for sales
Refer the SAP Note: 2931453
1) Predictive accounting is not supported for the following business processes:
- Customer project management
- Project-based services
2) For the “intercompany sales within selling company” business process, the following restrictions apply:
- Predictive journal entries can only be correctly created for the following source documents:
- Goods issue issued by the delivering company code
- Customer invoice issued by the selling company code
3) No predictive journal entries are created for the following source documents:
- Intercompany invoice issued by the delivering company code
- Intercompany supplier invoice issued by the selling company code
4) For the “third-party direct shipment” business process, predictions for the goods issues are not supported.
A) Predictive accounting only processes the following SD document categories:
- C – Order
- H – Returns
- I – Order Without Charge
- K – Credit Memo Request
- L – Debit Memo Request
B) Split valuation with batches of sales order items is not supported. Predictive accounting may not be able to correctly valuate the predicted amounts for items processed in this way.
C) Predictive accounting does not support changes to items in a sales order with a billing plan after predictive journal entries for the items have been reduced.