CDS Part 8. Usage of Built-In Functions in CDS – I

Built-In Functions in Code Data Services has been addressed pretty late here at SAPSPOT. Our apology for the delay. Probably we might have underestimated the usage of this powerful function. Nonetheless, better late than never. Let’s try to grasp the concept.

CDS View Functions are present to help increase the throughput of the developer by minimizing the efforts to make functionality work.

Did it ring any bell? No. Please continue below for more clarity.

There are two kinds of functions available.

  1. SQL Functions
  2. Built In Functions
  • SQL Functions

These are kind of functions which essentially are make or break. They are not flexible enough to give you a third option. Simply put they return LOGICAL or BOOLEAN result.

Sub Species are there as usual.

1. Numeric Functions

ABS(arg) In mathematics, the absolute value or modulus |x| of a real number x is the non-negative value of x without regard to its sign Absolute amount
CEIL(arg)  Hitting the Ceiling of the Floating Number.  Smallest integer number not less than the value of arg 
DIV(arg1, arg2)  Conventional Division  Quotient 
DIVISION(arg1, arg2, dec)  Conventional Division but with an additional feature of specifying decimal places  The result is rounded to dec decimal places. 
MOD(arg1, arg2)  Conventional Modulo Operation  Remainder 
FLOOR(arg)  Largest integer number not greater than the value of arg.  More like scientific numbers 
ROUND(arg, pos)  Rounded value of arg.  Rounding the Designated decimal point value 

Below code snippet on ABS, CEIL, FLOOR, DIV, DIVISION, MOD and ROUND should help you understand the concept better.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'ZFLIGHT_SCH_V'
@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
@EndUserText.label: 'Built In Functions'
define view ZFLG_FNC_DDL as select distinct from sflight as a
 abs(-2) as Abs_Op,
 /*Ceil and Floor*/
 ceil(25.3) as Ceil_Op,
 floor(25.3) as Floor_Op,
 div(5,3) as Div_Op,
 division(5,3,5) as Div_Op2,
 mod(5,3) as Mod_Op,
 a.price as Flg_Price, 
 round( a.price,1) as Round_Op

Please check each output. Did you notice Ceil is 26 for a number 25.3 while Floor is 25 for the same number 25.3.

2. String Functions

SAP has been very kind to String somehow. Poor Numbers.

Let’s not talk much but let the code do the talking here.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'ZSTR_FN_V1'
@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
@EndUserText.label: 'Built In Functions'
define view ZFNC_DDL as select distinct from makt as a
key a.matnr as Mat_Num,
a.maktx as Mat_Desc,
length( a.maktx ) as Des_Len, 
instr( a.maktx, 'est' ) as Des_Find,
concat( a.maktx, a.spras ) as Des_Con,
concat_with_space( a.maktx, a.spras, 2 ) as Des_Con_space,
left( a.maktx, 3 ) as Des_left,
lower( a.maktx ) as Des_lower

Part 1 of Strings:

Function Description 
Length gives Length of String
Instr  finds the position of a respective string within corresponding the field of the View 
Concatenate  joining two strings 
Concatenate with Space  The third Parameter in this function represents the Number of space between two strings 
Left  gives us left most characters equal to argument passed 
Lower  converts all into lower case [ Rather Subscript ]

Now, wondering where are the complementing string functions??? They are below.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'ZSTR_FN_V1'
@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
@EndUserText.label: 'Built In Functions'
define view ZFNC_DDL as select distinct from makt as a
 key a.matnr as Mat_Num,
a.maktx as Mat_Desc,
right( a.maktx, 5 ) as Des_right, 
/*For Strings */
lpad( a.maktx, 6, 'xx' ) as Des_lpad, 
rpad( a.maktx, 6, 'y' ) as Des_rpad, 
ltrim( a.maktx, 't' ) as Des_ltrim, 
rtrim( a.maktx, 't' ) as Des_rtrim, 
replace( a.maktx, 'est','ough' ) as Des_replace, 
substring( a.maktx, 2, 1 ) as Des_substring, 
upper( a.maktx ) as Des_upper 

Check how conveniently you can play around with the strings using lpad, rpad, ltrim, rtrim, replace, substring, upper etc. They come really handy in actual projects.

ABAPers !!! How on this earth can we forget our traditional methods working with Conversion FMs ??? Isn’t it???

Well, those are replaced by Padding and Trimming – Both sides Left and Right.

Function Description 
Lpad & Rpad the first parameter is field, second is the OUTPUT Length after padding, a string that is to be padded
Ltrim & Rtrim the first parameter is field, second is string or character that is to be removed
Replace the second parameter finds the string to be replaced by the third
Substring The third Parameter in this function represents the Number of space between two strings 
Upper converts all characters of string into Upper case

Points to Remember:

a. In Padding, the Output Length needs to be greater than Length of existing field to enable padding. Else, we will have a trimmed output.

b. Padding and Trimming can be used for Numerical Values as well.

c. Only a Single Character needs to be given for trimming.

define view ZFLG_FNC_DDL as select distinct from sflight as a
key a.connid as Flg_Connid,
/*For Numericals */
lpad( a.connid, 6, '22' ) as Flg_lpad, 
rpad( a.connid, 6, '99' ) as Flg_rpad, 
ltrim( a.connid, '0' ) as Flg_ltrim,
a.fldate as Flg_Date, 
rtrim( a.fldate, '8' ) as Flg_rtrim

Bonus Segment:

Requirement : “Change the data retrieved for Flight Time from Total Minutes to Hours:Minutes Format”

How about complicating our lives? Actually, it may be the way to simplify. Let’s give a try.

Initial Code and Output :

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'ZFLIGHT_SCH_V'
@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
@EndUserText.label: 'Built In Functions'
define view ZFLG_FNC_DDL as select from spfli as a
left outer join sgeocity as b
    on a.cityfrom =
 key as Source,
 key as Destination,
 key a.carrid as Flg_ID,
 key a.connid as Flg_Conn,
 a.fltime as Flg_Time

Functions can be handy here…Check out the code below which would suffice our requirement.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'ZFLIGHT_SCH_V'
@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
@EndUserText.label: 'Flight Schedule Details'
define view ZFLG_FNC_DDL as select from spfli as a
left outer join sgeocity as b
    on a.cityfrom =
 key as Source,
 key as Destination,
 key a.carrid as Flg_ID,
 key a.connid as Flg_Conn,
    concat( concat(lpad ( ltrim ( cast( div(a.fltime, 60) as abap.char( 12 ) ), '0' ), 2, '0' ), ':' ) , 
    lpad ( ltrim ( cast( mod(a.fltime, 60) as abap.char( 12 ) ), '0'), 2, '0' ) ) as Flg_Time

The above one line string function is just an example of how you can play around with any requirement. Break the code from center and go outward. It is self-explanatory.