OData, SAP Business Technology Platform

VSCODE Color Theme Support in OData CSDL Modeler

In this blog post, we’ll introduce the VSCODE color theme support in the new OData CSDL Modeler 1.0.6 release.

VSCODE Color Theme Support in OData CSDL Modeler

We introduced a new graphical modeler tool called OData CSDL modeler for VSCODE environment that provides OData developers a graphical UI to view OData CSDL document. With the latest release of CSDL modeler version 1.0.6, the modeler now supports VSCODE color themes.

In order to test VSCODE color themes support in the OData CSDL Modeler, first open the OData CSDL or EDMX file using the model through the VSCODE context menu “Open With…”. And then launch color theme through VSCODE menu “File” -> “Preferences” -> “Color Themes”:

Now you can see the available color themes in VSOCDE as below:

And then you can switch to different color themes: