SAP S/4HANA Cloud, SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA

Translation of SAP Fiori Spaces and Pages on S/4HANA Cloud 2011


With the new release 2011, SAP S/4HANA® Cloud has again been enhanced with some useful functionality. This post will focus on the translation function for SAP Fiori Spaces and Pages.

Translation of SAP Fiori® Spaces and Pages is now supported directly in the Manage Launchpad Pages and Manage Launchpad Spaces apps. Now all fields (titles, descriptions, and section titles) can be translated. But you might ask yourself, why this is necessary. After all, SAP S/4HANA Cloud itself offers translations for spaces and pages.

Manual translation is always necessary when individual spaces and pages are configured. SAP S/4HANA Cloud, in conjunction with SAP Fiori, offers a wide range of configuration options. This enables administrators to structure collections of apps precisely tailored to the users in specially created pages and spaces. This also means, however, that the standard is extended here and therefore no translations are available. In order to still be able to offer users translations in their familiar language, the following steps must be taken:

Process Steps for Translation

1. Open up the Manage Launchpad Pages app in your SAP S/4HANA Cloud system (be aware that your system might look different). If you cannot find the app, use the search function in the upper right corner. If you still cannot find the app, make sure that you have got the necessary authorization to access the app (business catalog: “SAP_CORE_BC_UI_FLD”, business role: “SAP_BR_ADMINISTRATOR”).

2. Search for the page you want to edit and click on “Edit”

3. In the upper right corner, click “Translate” and “Download”

4. Select the language which you want to edit and click on “Download”

5. Unzip and open up the downloaded XML file. I used Notepad++ to open the XML-file to have some more advanced features like pretty printing. But you can use any text editor like basic Notepad as well.

Then add your translation: For example, the XML file could contain something like this:

<source>Tax Processing</source>

Change it like follows:

<source>Tax Processing</source>

In this example, “Steuerabwicklung” is the desired translation for “Tax Processing”. Please be aware of the changed tag ( <target/> to </target> ).

6. Save your changes. Then wrap up your XML file in a ZIP format

7. Go back to the Manage Launchpad Pages app and click on “Translate” and “Upload”

8. Upload your ZIP file

9. Check for success or error messages in the lower-left corner

10. Click on “Save”. That’s it!

Test Translation

Your users should now be able to see the newly added/edited translations. To check this, change your language settings to the desired language and navigate to the edited spaces and/or pages.

It is also possible to edit multiple languages for a page at one time. Therefore, simply check multiple languages in step 4. You have to edit each file according to step 5. Like in step 6, ZIP all files (in one ZIP file). Please make sure not to compress a folder, but just your XML files.

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