I have a chance to test ISU in S/4 Hana 1909 which is released Sep 2019. I would like to thank cal.sap team for giving chance to trial this in cloud environment. First I will share some details on this cloud environment.
You can install SAP S/4HANA 1909, Fully-Activated Appliance as easy as one click with Amazon AWS account. SAP is giving 1 month for free trial.

Note: You need to install 4 server in any cloud provider. I selected AWS. If you are having error message “You have requested more vCPU capacity than your current vCPU limit ” then You need to request from AWS support to increase allowed CPU instance to at least 64 to succeed installation. After this you need a well background to activate ISU business functions in the system. It is costing suspended or active (2.5$ daily) and if servers are active-running additional (4$ hourly)
It is already coming with ISU addon installed in the S4 HANA system anymore.
Also Read: SAP CRM Certification Preparation Guide
I did my testing in below versions which were latest in this date.
- S4CORE 104 – S4CORE
- S4CRM 204 – S4CRM
- IS-UT 804 – SAP Utilities/Telecommunication
You can find many answers in below questions. I will try to answer questions coming to mind of SAP CRM ISU functional consultant and business key users.
1- How it looks like business role list?
Here we can see only S4C_UT_IC Utilities IC Agent role. So all configurations taking as base of this business role. There is not UTIL-SALES specific business role.

2-How it looks like this business role in standard?
There are only 2 themes called Belize and Quartz in this solution. I don’t think these themes will make Utilities customers very happy.
Belize theme:

Quartz theme:

3- What is major difference with UTIL-IC ?
S4C_UT_IC business role is one-to-one mapped of old UTIL-IC-LEAN and UTIL-IC business roles. Only difference is coming contract management.I will explain below. Other functionalities mostly working with RFC functions so they are continue working as is.

4- What is exactly Enterprise Edition?
SAP has a licensing model which is called Enterprise edition in CRM utilities. If you don’t have this license and not activate it you can not use most ISU functions in CRM. If you try to navigate this screens you will get the message “To use this feature, please enable the enterprise edition.”
- CRM screens for movein/ moveout is not working. Maybe you can use call transaction!
- Any Financial transaction in CRM is not working (payment data, account balance , promise to pay, installment plan ,payment plan,collections etc.)
- Any Billing transaction in CRM is not working (Bill correction, meter reading entry etc.)
- It is basic CRM without this

5-What about customer / business partner data?
It is anymore one system and SAP is using “Business Partner” as central customer data. Below you can see BP transaction. And there is no more xd01/xd02/xd03 transactions for SD customer. We have one single BP transaction and BUT000 table with no replication. It is very well designed CRM000 ,MKK roles concept. So We are not struggling with creation of SD customer configuration.

But SAP is running all functionalities as seperate SD customer and BP behind. This means SAP tried to merge partner but it is not fully one! KNA1 table is alive and SAP is saving some data inside old tables!!

6- What about technical master data ? Eg: Connection object, Premise, IBASE!!
SAP is giving well integrated technical master data any more. No IBASE! no replication! No ISU_POD table and no CRM hierarchy.(Tables did not deleted but not filled)
CRM is using core utilities tables for identification. We have many more DDL views eg: CRMS4IUVCCON , CRMS4IUVPCONPPA , CRMS4IUVPCONPPA , CRMS4IUVCPRM, CRMS4VIUPADDRESS which all use core tables like EVBS , ADRC , IFLOT
SAP is giving 7 new MDT and requires different configuration to create/maintain technical master data.

7- What about technical master data – Installation?
SAP is not focusing installation in CRM screens. This is a major lack. It is continue POD. But it has all same fields that is in transactions eg: pod type ,valid from to dates are coming.

8- What about contract account / business agreement confuse?
This is worst integrated part. All configurations are double. Even number range , account categorization, payment conditions configuration and all other pure business agreement configuration are required. BUAG concept are all alive!! There is only blank CRMM_BUAG table. SAP is using only FKKVKP as main table.
Second huge missing part is fields of contract account not yet fully available in CRM. It is again missing many fields of contract account. Only old BUAG fields are available. Customers want to create / maintain contract account in CRM screen as full as caa1 transaction. But it is still not possible

Here smw01 with an error of BUAG_MAIN Maybe SAP missed some part in middleware. This means middleware alive for BUAG!!

9- What about contract?
SAP is giving 2 options to make contract.
1-Fast movein/out: This is absolutely same with functionality with UTIL-IC-LEAN contract management. It is allowing to make contract within selected contract templates. There is no configurable product in this screen. We can say It is CRM screen of ec70 transaction. By the way ec60,ec70,ec50 transactions are alive. Only ec20 gone!(Interestingly all customizings available) This means FOP(Front office process) has gone.
Basically system is triggering selected MDT(in contract template field) and it is going on ECRMREPL transaction.

2-Utilities Sales Contract: This is almost same functionality as sales contract in UTIL-IC business role. It is allowing contract creation with configurable product. There is guided steps to process contract. Mainly it is starting with identifying partner and point of delivery and follows product selection and configuration then contract account selection. Finally save in the summary.But there is major missing part “Meter reading entry” while making move-in and move-out!! This is a major lack. I think SAP will develop this part later. I have detaily explain product in later question.
It is all standart (hard coded!) coming transaction type IUCH and item types IUCI and IUCP. You will configure directly this items. There is no use of old known transaction types anymore (IUSL, IUMC)

10- What about Product in contract management?
SAP added advanced product configuration in contract management with Hana 1909 version. It is called “Utilities Sales Contract” and part of Contract Billing. It is allowing product selection by division. All product definitions are made with transactions. It is no more possible to create product from CRM WEBUI. SAP has shared a reference product to follow configuration steps. (Note this transactions Let me help you. OMSF, CL01, CT04, MM01 , CU41 ,EA51 , PMEVC Cheers ykburda) It is also possible maintain some parts of product master in “Manage Product Master Data” Fiori screen.
So new terminologies classes, characteristics, material , classification ,variant.You would like to know SAP PP/MM module to get quick understanding to this transactions.
Then We have a new configuration ISU_UIL_IMG. We don’t have any BRF+ anymore here. All configuration is mapping to operands.
It is not possible to make multiple divisions contract at the same time in this design. Eg: multiple line contract is not possible yet.
I didn’t see any MDT triggering in this design. It means no MDT ,no ECRMREPL, no BDOC, no EVERH table . no UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD badi. Only classes are running and saving.Perfect So If you have custom requirements. You will re-code process classes.

SAP is changed whole design in product management. It is giving a layer called “Product integration layer api” for mapping/creating e-commerce solutions or any other product management solution. I think here is the focus integration with Hybris E-commerce.
Here is a perfect Utilities Contract record in Hana 1909.

11- What about Major tables of CRM?
There is not any CRMD_ORDERADM_H or CRM_ISU_INDEX or_H CRMD_ISUEXTA4 and CRMD_ISU_CONT tables. But there are almost similar tables. So it means EVER will continue as is and blank EVERH table on ISU anymore. There is no CRMD_ISU_CONT it means configured values is not seperately stored. It is only stored that mapped in utilities installation operands(facts).
- CRMS4D_IUCH_H OneOrder – Utilities Contract – Header replacing CRMD_ISU_INDEX_H
- CRMS4D_IUCI_I OneOrder – Utilities Contract – Item replacing CRMD_ISUEXTA4
- CRMS4D_IUCP_I OneOrder – Utilities Contract – Period Item replacing CRMD_ISU_INDEX_I
- CRMS4D_ACTV_H Activity Header: Header transaction data
- CRMS4D_OPPT_H Header details of Opportunities and Leads
- CRMS4D_OPPT_I Item details of Opportunities and Leads
- CRMS4D_SERV_H Header of service transactions
- CRMS4D_SERV_I Items of service transactions
- CRMS4D_BTX_H Shadow table for 1 Order persistence
- CRMS4D_BTX_I Shadow table for 1 Order Item level persistence
- CRMS4D_PARTNER Customer Mgmt S4 DB Table for Business Partner
- CRM_JEST Individual Object Status
- SCAPPTSEG Folder for Individual Appointments
If you really read till here I want to share some error solutions possibly you face later
(If you get CL_CRMS4_IU_BL_BASE ASSERTION_FAILED error message and dump. You need to maintain CRMS4IU_CT ,ISU_EVER ,ISU_EEIN and BCONTACT number ranges . Also do not activate ECRMCONTROL parameters.)
ISU specific tables are totally same. Nothing changed, Eg:EANL , EANLH, EVER, ETTIFN, FKKVK, FKKVKP etc.
12- What about Process framework in contract management?
It is totally changed process framework. This means what ever you coded before you will re-design and re-code with S4Hana. It is allowing guided step configuration also. But there are only some process available yet. Move in(new contract), move out (end contract) move another premise, change product and force move-out is available. Also it is available save incomplete and complete later.

13- What about Deregulated sales?
I didn’t see any b2c or b2b quotation or opportunity management also I didn’t see any IDEX integration functionality. Even there is not any quotation accept etc. functions. There is not any function yet which was available in UTIL-SALES before. I think we will see this functions later. So I can say basically this version is not suitable for deregulated market yet.
It doesn’t come IDEX(process document-pdoc) as standard installed in S4HANA system.It should be seperate installed.There is IDE (old switchdoc) in the system. Also IDE is not integrated to contract management. Custom coding required to make deregulated market communication. Huge problem! I think deregulated market communication should be standard on top of IDEX any more.Right?
14- What about AET and Rapid Application Tool?
It was really easy adding fields to business partner or any sales/service transaction header or item with CRM 7.0. But it become some hard anymore! There is not any quick field creation with AET in S4HANA. If you try to use Enhance applications you will get error message “Creation of AET Field is not supported“
AET is replaced with “Custom Fields and Services” tool in SAP Application Services catalog. You can use this tool to add custom object anymore.

SAP allowing easily below Utilities master data objects extension with this tool. Of course old methodologies also available but you can not imagine how many different objects are changing when you add a field to specific business context(also it is so long time to generation even it is almost taking 2 click to define any custom field)
- Utilities device header
- Utilities installation
- Utilities installation history
- Utilities periodic replacement list
Also it was really easy to create Rapid application in CRM 7.0 It is not possible to use rapid application anymore in S4HANA.
15- What is Fiori Launchpad use scenarios in Utilities?
It is standart integrated CRM screens with Fiori screens.Basically it is possible to create eg: business partner in pure CRM screens or from Fiori launchpad or from bp transaction. Also many native Fiori screens coded for specific transaction codes.Also many Fiori tiles are just call transaction(WEB GUI) .If you want to see which Fiori apps are available just check library. This library perfectly prepared for all areas.
Fiori Launchpad Individual Account creation Page
Screen configuration is available as CRM field configuration. You can add/remove or change visibilty/mandatory or line/column/width of specific field. Also SAP developed one more customer screen in Fiori called (Customer Master) But it is not configurable and almost same result just create customer It is increasing confusions all these things.

Fiori Launchpad Service Request Creation Page
It is allowed to create service request from Fiori launchpad.This service request is not relevant with iw51 transaction. It is pure CRM service request. You can not find any record in QMEL table. Also you see Service order creation. Please be care about this is not iw33 transaction relevant!! It is SD sales order which has service material.
Also we have CRM WEBUI screens for all these.

Fiori Launchpad for Contract Account
It seems SAP putted transaction launcher for ISU specific caa1, bp etc. in this apps. These are not native Fiori apps just calling webgui of specific transactions.

Fiori Launchpad for Utilities Meter Data
There is 2 native Fiori app for resolving Implausible Meter readings and Periodic meter readings management.

Fiori Launchpad for Utilities Billing
It is coming many(as shown below) native Fiori apps for billing. Just a sample of “Display Outstanding Bills” Click Fiori app library. Also it is available an app demo video in the content.

16- What about Organization Maintenance?
It is required maintenance of organizational model in S4HANA system for CRM. You can maintain employee ,organization unit. position and user with PPOMA transaction or S4C_SRV_PRO – Service Professional business role and organization model screen.
17- What about Upgrade Strategy?
And We came hardest question. This topic is totally relevant with the customers that is using CRM 7.0 and wants to upgrade to S4HANA. Even it was an option having S4HANA for ISU system and CRM as a seperate system but I should suggest it should not be an option anymore having 2 different system if you plan to have S4HANA !! So Think and plan for only one system upgrade
If it is not suitable provided screens/transactions for your business that I suggest clearly you need to postpone S4Hana project till SAP complete these requirements for your business clearly.
There are 2 main road for upgrade strategy. Lets call it migration strategy or strategy of S4HANA(This definitions always mixing).
a) Conversion: Conversion is basically if you are upgrading from any SAP to S4HANA system is converting tables to new ones with SUM tool. Of course there is some more manual things to do. It is not just next next finish activity. There are somethings to care called “simplification items” I will detail in next question SAP is suggesting conversion as main step.Because if you are using SAP why not let it convert as standard easily. Details (link)
b) Migration: It is basically load data from file or specific destination table with LTMC tool.
There are 2 major migration tool in the S4HANA , LTMC(Migration execution tool) and LTMOM (Migration object modeller) .
Available migration objects are limited to below specific areas yet.
This means below modules are already affected with S4HANA upgrade. Generally we can say SD,LO,MM,FI,CO,PP,PS,QM and of course whole CRM are affected
Lets talk conversion/migration of Utilities specific Data:
ISU relevant objects: Nothing will be affected. Original tables will continue working
EAM relevant objects: SAP is providing PM/QM relevant migration objects and it is coming conversion.
ERP relevant objects: SAP is providing MM/SD/FI relevant migration objects and it is coming conversion.
CRM relevant objects: When we look available objects we don’t see any CRM relevant conversion or migration object yet. Only business partner. So without SAP conversion with SUM tool it is really hard to make upgrade.
What can be the solution for CRM relevant objects for now?
As we said There is no SAP standard SUM(software update manager -basis tool) conversion for CRM yet.So:
All below options are applicable. I prefer option (c) absolutely.
a) Coding a custom solution with migration object modeler
b) Coding pure custom program
c) Waiting for SAP provide conversion with SUM
d) Waiting for SAP provide migration objects.
Also there is not any initial load program. How to fill in new contract tables? I mean if you are making migration from legacy system EMIGALL is for ISU but You need to build a custom migration solution to see contracts in CRM. This should be provided as a new object by SAP originally in EMIGALL.
18- What is Simplification Item?
You will hear this list in every S4HANA project anymore. This list is focuses on what needs to be considered in an implementation / migration project from SAP to SAP S/4HANA a) manuel steps to complete b) missing functions c) affected modules .If you are searching answer for ” What are all changes in my module/area?” just check this pdf file (Link)
Below you can see some changed , unsupported ,new things, affected areas relevant with S4HANA. These are just sample of the list. There seems oss note numbers and explaining what to do.You can find many answers to your questions in these catalog. Eg:Key account manager role not supported.

19- What needs to be considered if you are planning an upgrade?
If you are not started a CRM Utilities project you should first think about starting with S4HANA. If it is too late for you below subjects are for you.
Subject | Result |
Whole table structure is changing (Almost %90 percent tables are different) . | Almost all completed custom developments will be un-useful and it needs re-coding. Any interface needs re-development. |
Most of the CRM components are changing. Module Configurations are changing. | Any enhancements which is part of changed components will be un-usefull and need re-coding. Screen configurations needs re-customize. |
There is not any replication between systems and CRM data model is specifically changing and 1-1 mapping with ISU data model. | This affects migration effort. No migration. But if you have specific codings it is coming again re-evaluate codes. |
Major changes is coming to contract management (eg: movein moveout processes) | Movein-moveout codings/configurations are mainly needs re-solution design and re-coding from scratch. Do not forget web services. If you have e-services for contract process all will be changed. |
Utilities Product is totally changing. | You should re-configure ,re-design and re-code product requirements from scratch. |
S4Hana has special functions for speed up program performances | It needs special dev. Skills (CDS views Fiori) and re-design in coding. Functional and technical specs are totally affecting |
New user interfaces. Combined lean screens in Fiori. | More user friendly use especially we can suggest design business roles for business users who is using only transactions. |
New functions in CRM | It is possible free text searching. |
Ready for future | This is latest version. SAP is developing anymore S4Hana |
Historic Data | SAP doesnt provide yet ( Jan/2020) a SUM tool conversion. You can wait or develop your conversion/migration solution. |
Base CRM Utilities Configurations | You have already configured system. If you have a senior CRM consultant (Cheers ykburda) He will copy/paste almost un-changed configurations to S4HANA with of course adding changes. |
What about ISU objects and datas | ISU is not much changing. So S4HANA conversion in ISU plus CRM re-coding and CRM custom data migration is your final solution for now. |