Interaction Center Agent Functionalities
- IC Agent receives incoming phone call from Web shop customer regarding problems with the product purchased.
- IC Agents have access to the knowledge search with which it is possible to propose solution for the customer.
- Based upon call with customer IC Agent can also create a service ticket and can arrange an appointment with service representatives.
- IC agents also have access to the call list which is part of a marketing campaign.
Layout of Interaction Centre
- In order to communicate with the end customers, Interaction center is well integrated with different communication channels.
- Also IC Agents needs access to different applications and business transactions while in communication with the end customers.
- Thus IC Agents are also provided with access to different applications and CRM business transactions.
Following are the components of the Interaction Centre to which an IC Agent is having access for communication with the end customers:
- Scratch pad
- Agents can use it to write down notes.
- At any time these notes can be included to the business document.
- Account information
- For the current interaction this area shows the most relevant information.
- For example, customer name and address.

Layout of Interaction Center
- Alerts
- These are the alerts generated by modeler for the logged in Agent.
- for example, suggestions or reminders
- Communication Information
- Information from the communication management software, like automatic number identification, queue status, talks time and agent status is displayed in this area.
- Tool bar
- These push buttons are to support the telephony functions
- Navigation bar
- IC Agents can access the business transactions and applications using the links they have in the navigation bar
- This IC Agents all the required data for the communication with the end customers.
- Work Area
- IC agents can also access the business transaction data or the application data
- This area is used for this purpose
- IC agents can start call list and interactive scripts in this area
- Also it is possible to search for transactions in the customer’s interaction history
Integration of Interaction Centre
- All CRM strategies are supported by the Interaction Center:
- Sales:
- Processing of opportunities, sales transactions, product proposals
- Service:
- Solution database, E-mail processing and workflow, service transactions
- Marketing:
- Call lists, campaigns, product proposals
- Sales:
- The Interaction Center supports communication over a number of communication channels:
- Telephone:
- Routing
- CTI (Computer Telephony Integration) connection
- Incoming and outgoing calls
- fax
Telemarketing, Telesales and Teleservices
- Telephone:
- IC supports telemarketing, telesales, and teleservices.
- Telemarketing
- In case of telemarketing, in order to carry out marketing campaign IC agent coordinates call lists and scripts with agents and outbound dialers.
- Agents are guided through the business partner interaction with scripts and surveys.
- It also supports qualifying lead.
- Telesales
- Processing of both incoming and outgoing orders is included.
- It also includes product suggestions like Cross-Selling and Top-n Products.
- Teleservice
- This is to enable the IC Agents to manage complaints and cases for customer service & support
- situations.
- IT Agents can perform knowledge search to find a solution.
- They can forward the solution to the customers by E-mail, chat, or phone.
- Knowledge Search
- Customer can give the problem description by phone, fax, E-mail, or chat.
- Problem description is used by the knowledge search to find suitable solution.
- Solution is then passed to the customer.
- Users having access to Internet self-service can directly use knowledge search for the solution.
- Knowledge search can use the entire text of E-mail.
- IT Agent can reduce the text to relevant part and optimize the search.
- Phonetic search is also included in the text search.
- Solutions are assigned to the problems determined in the database.
Interaction Centre Management
- Interaction Center Management includes task of guiding the IC Agent.
For this it is integrated with different components:
- Interactive Scripting:
- Using this tool, managers can design step-by-step scripts.
- Whenever IC agents need guidance while customer interaction they can execute these scripts.
- Agents can thus use these scripts to guide customers as well through each step.
- The response from customer dictates next step which script displays.
- Large amount of incoming e-mails can be managed with this tool.
- It provides services to automatically process and organize incoming e-mail.
- Several automated activities in this tool reduce substantially increases efficiency and processing accuracy.
- Also it supports IC agents to process e-mail in less time.
- Intent-Driven Interaction (IDI)
- it is used to support rule-based agent guidance
- using rule-based alerts, navigation, interactive scripts, etc. it ensures corporate standard customer interactions
- Call Lists
- in order to use in the Interaction Center, call created needs to be active
- also call list needs to be assigned to groups of agent in the list management
- it is possible to assign scripts to the call lists
- separate call lists can be assigned to each other
- for processing, call list is assigned to the organizational units, positions or individual users
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