This blog post will show you how to create a live data connection from SAC to an on premise BW system. Main feature of live data connection is that changes made to data in the on-premise data source is immediately reflected in the Stories and models based on that data source. Below is the architecture for live data connection to a BW/4HANA system using Direct connection type. A direct connection type is recommended if you don’t want to set up a reverse proxy on you local network. SAP documentation has been shared for the same in references at the end of the blog post.

System Requirements:
- SAP BW/4HANA 1.0 SP4 or higher
- SAP BW/4HANA 2.0 SP0 or higher
- Web Browsers such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, etc
- SAP Analytics Cloud Account.
Before moving on to the steps, we need to make sure of the below points:
- Configure your SAP on-premise data source to issue cookies with specific attributes to ensure that Chrome and other browsers allow cross-site access to your SAP on-premise data source cookies from SAP Analytics Cloud.
- Ensure that the InA package (/sap/bw/ina) or a higher-level package on your SAP NetWeaver system is configured for basic authentication.
- SAP Info Access Service (InA), version 4.10.0 or above, should be active in you on-premise system.
Moving on to the Steps to follow:
Configure CORS support on your SAP NetWeaver system.
Enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in your system parameters.
Enter transaction code: RZ11.

Enter Parameter: icf/cors_enabled

Select Display.

Click on Change Value.

Set Value to 1.

Save changes.

Note: Every time the on-premise server is restarted the above steps would need to be redone.
Add SAP Analytics Cloud to the HTTP whitelist.
Enter transaction code: /NUCONCOCKPIT.

Change Scenario to HTTP Whitelist Scenario.

Change the Mode of Cross-origin Resource Sharing to Active Check.
Double-click Cross-origin Resource Sharing.

Select the Display/Change icon.

Under Whitelist, select the Add icon, and in the Input Window, add the following information:

- Service Path: Add /sap/bw/ina.
- Host rule: Add your SAP Analytics Cloud host. For example,
- Allowed Methods: Select GET, HEAD, POST, and OPTIONS.
- Add the following to Allowed Headers:
- x-csrf-token
- x-sap-cid
- authorization
- mysapsso2
- x-request-with
- sap-rewriteurl
- sap-url-session-id
- content-type
- accept-language
- x-csrf-token
- Add the following to Exposed Headers:
- x-csrf-token
- sap-rewriteurl
- sap-url-session-id
- sap-perf-fesrec
- sap-system
- x-csrf-token
- Allow Credentials: Ensure this is selected.

Save this information.
Verify end-users’ web browser configuration and access.
Your end users’ web browsers must be configured to:
- Allow pop-up windows from the SAP Analytics Cloud domain: [*.]
- Allow 3rd party cookies from the SAP BW server’s domain or the domain of your reverse proxy. For example, in Internet Explorer 11, go to Internet Options Security Trusted Sites, add your domain name, then select Enable Protected Mode.
Add a remote system to SAP Analytics Cloud:
Go to

(Main Menu)

Connection Connections

(Add Connection)

The Select a data source dialog will appear.
Expand Connect to Live Data and select SAP BW.

In the dialog, enter a name and description for your connection.
The connection name cannot be changed later.
Set the connection type to Direct.
Add your SAP BW host name, HTTPS port, and Client.

(Optional) Choose a Default Language from the list.
This language will always be used for this connection and cannot be changed by users without administrator privileges.
Note: You must know which languages are installed on your SAP BW system before adding a language code. If the language code you enter is invalid, SAP Analytics Cloud will default to the language specified by your system metadata.
Under Authentication Method select User Name and Password.
Enter an SAP BW user name and password.
Select OK