Master data
1. G/L Accounts
SKA1 | G/L Accounts (Chart of Accounts) |
SKAT | G/L Accounts (Chart of Accounts: Description) |
SKB1 | G/L Accounts (Company Code) |
2. Customer Master
KNA1 | Customer master |
KNB1 | Customer / company |
KNVV | Customer sales data |
KNBK | Bank details |
KNVH | Customer hierarchy |
KNVP | Customer partners |
KNVS | Shipment data for customer |
KNVK | Contact persons |
KNVI | Customer master tax indicator |
3. Vendor Master
LFA1 | Vendor master |
LFB1 | Vendor per company code |
LFB5 | Vendor dunning data/td> |
LFM1 | Purchasing organisation data |
LFM2 | Purchasing data |
LFBK | Bank details |
4. Customer – material info record
KNMT | Customer material info record |
5. Bank data
BNKA | Master bank data |
6. Accounting documents
BKPF | Accounting documents |
BSEG | Item level |
BSID | Accounting: Secondary index for customers |
BSIK | Accounting: Secondary index for vendors |
BSIM | Secondary Index, Documents for Material |
BSIP | Index for vendor validation of double documents |
BSIS | Accounting: Secondary index for G/L accounts |
BSAD | Accounting: Index for customers (cleared items) |
BSAK | Accounting: Index for vendors (cleared items) |
BSAS | Accounting: Index for G/L accounts (cleared items) |
7. Payment run
REGUH | Settlement data from payment program |
REGUP | Processed items from payment program |
Customizing Tables
1. Company code
T004 | Chart of accounts |
T077S | Account group (g/l accounts) |
T009 | Fiscal year variants |
T880 | Global company data |
T014 | Credit control area |
2. Fi document
T010O | Posting period variant |
T010P | Posting Period Variant Names |
T001B | Permitted Posting Periods |
T003 | Document types |
T012 | House banks |