This blog will provide step by step guide on how to Import/Export,Deploy/Undeploy BPM Process using NWDS and PO.
1) How to Export BPM Process/SC?
- Open Development Infrastructure Perspective
window->Perspective->Open Perspective->Other->Development Infrastructure.
- Open Component browser and select the SC and click on export

- Select all development components and click on force build.

- Click on next and do following configuration and press finish.

- Please Wait until the export is done.

2) How to Import BPM Process/SC?
- Go to Development Infrastructure-> component browser
- Right click on Local Development and Import the SC.

- Click on next button if you are importing existing SC otherwise just press finish.

- Click next to import SC.

- Open the imported SC and right click on process to create BPM project.

- Now open the Process Development perspective to see the imported/created Processes.

3) How to Deploy BPM Process on PO server?
- Open Process Development perspective and right click on BPM process

- Click on Deploy it will do both Build and Deploy.

- Enter the UserName and Password.

- Open NWA to see the list of deployed process.
NWA->Configuration->Process and Tasks->Process Repository

4) How to Undeploy BPM Process from PO server?
- Open Deployment perspective and go to Repository Explorer.
- Right click on BPM process and press “Add to Undeploymet List”.

- Go to Undeployment list and click on Start.

- Open NWA to check the status of process.

Note: We can deploy/Undeploy BPM Process using NWDS/PO.
5) Deploy BPM process using PO.
- Select the version and click on Active Button.

6) Undeploy BPM process using PO.
- Select the version and click on Deactive All button.

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