Here we will see how we can use the Handling unit in production planning.
Handling unit is SAP term for packing materials in box. Creating HU will create data on packing materials in boxes
Some times Production team will do the packing of materials in production area and ship it to warehouse. So we need to configure the SAP for HU from Production side.
Let us consider we are producing a mobile packed in box.
First we are packing the mobile in plastic cover and then in cardboard box.

In BOM of mobile we will include this plastic cover, cardboard box and some spare parts.
we will create the production order for mobile and consume the cover and box for it. At last we will create one handling unit for the production order and post the goods receipt with HU transaction.
Mostly business will have specific details for each box at multiple levels for tracking purpose. So for creating the specific data in SAP we will use handling units.
Main Part
Configuration needed
- Packing Material Type
- Packing Material Group
- Assigning material type to material group

We need to define the packing material types – VHAR i.e. cover or box

Now we will create group the and assign the cover and box in it. We can assign this group to the packing material in material master.
Packing Material Group – VEGR

Mostly we will use this to restrict the groups to certain plants by using authorization
Now we will assign the packing material types to the material Group – VHZU

Master data.
- Material to be packed (Mobile) – Normal Material FERT / HALB / ROH any
- Material used to pack (Cover / Box)
- Packing instruction
- Packing instruction determination procedure
- Production Master data – Routing, BOM, Production version
Material to be packed can be any type ROH or FERT. I am using FERT
Now we will create the packing material (box/cover) with material type VERP and above packing material type and group in sales – general/ plant view.

Packing instruction – POP1
Here we will define how many mobile will be packed in a single box or cover. I am going to pack 1 mobile in 1 cover and after packing the mobile in cover inside a box. So I am creating cover as subordinate packing instruction.

now Mobile > Cover > Box has been done.
Packing Instruction Determination – POF1
Here we will define which PI to be selected for which material.
In HU02 or COP1 screen while creating Handling unit the system will determine the Packing Instruction for the materials automatically.

Here for production COP1 and Warehouse HU02 we have to use STOC determination type. For sales VL01N we need to use SHIP.

Assign the PI to the material and save.
Now creating the Handling unit for the production orders.
Packing Materials using production order – COP1
Go to COP1 and put the production order.

Doing GR for Handling units – COWBHUWE
For this order no auto GR control key should be assigned to any operation as the the GR in COWBHUWE will not work

Click enter to get the next screen and the PI got selected automatically.

Now go to COWBHUWE to do the GR for handling unit.

Monitoring HU – HUMO
Now if you want to see the list of HU you can use HUMO to see the list. Also in MMBE we can see it.

Double click on line item to see the details and content.

Repetitive Manufacturing
Packing – MFP1