ABAP Development, SAP S/4HANA

Create a simple CDS view and show data as an IDA reports (aka ALV on HANA)

This post is about simple tutorial how to create own CDS view and show data via ALV IDA report.

What is CDS and how can they be useful?

CDS stands for Core Data Services. This is a functionality that allows you to create views of data using the DDL (Data Definition Language) language .

In simple terms – you can create your own view based on SAP data table joins with additional logic for filling fields in this view.

For example, take one table as the main source, enrich it with data from related tables (via joins/associations), and add logic to populate individual columns in the generated view. As a result, you’ll get a view with the data you need and then work with it directly, for example, make selections in ABAP programs or visualizate through SAP tools, such as through ALV IDA or a custom FIORI application through odata services.

What is IDA aka ALV on HANA?

IDA is a data visualization tool in SAP GUI, stands for SAP List Viewer with Integrated Data Access. Also known as ALV on HANA.

The main essence of the tool is that you can transfer the name of the CDS view and additional restrictions to it (rather than a preselected datas in internal table, as is the case with the classic ALV), the system will select the necessary data and display them in the form of a table visually similar to the ALV Grid, but more functional.

Advantages of IDA:

  • Building hierarchies, i.e. nested levels and subtotals over them
  • All standard ALV functions are available (except editing and part of formatting)
  • Great performance on big data (because it does not require prefetching all data)
  • Ability to use text search
  • Ability to add fields not from CDS (calculated fields)

The main differences between IDA and the classic ALV Grid:

  SAP List Viewer ALV with IDA 
Data Retrieval  Responsibility of application, data is collected in an internal ABAP table (ITAB) Responsibility of ALV, table name has to be transferred
Data Contents   All data from the ITAB   Visible area only 
Roundtrip (e.g. scrolling)   From ALV perspective only operations on the ABAP Server, new area from the ITAB is displayed   Paging on the database, that is, new SQL statement is executed
Application ALV Services (sorting, filtering…)   On the ITAB (snapshot behavior)   New call to the database
Memory Consumption   Depends on the size of the ITAB   Visible area only, relating to columns and rows 
Speed Time required for all data to be transferred to the ITAB on first display Time required for visible area to be transferred

How it works?


  • You must have a SAP S/4HANA system
  • Installed Eclipse
  • Eclipse has the ADT plugin installed
  • Eclipse configured to connect to SAP development system
  • You want to make a report based on data from SAP using the new features of S/4HANA

Creating a Simple CDS

Let’s start creating a simple CDS. To do this, open Eclipse, select the system (the development system and the required client), go to Z package (it’s convenient to add it to your favorites for quick access) and right-click on the package name and create a new object

Select core data services->data definition:

Specify the name of the new CDS:

And create a new transport request:

A template for a new CDS should appears:

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: ''
@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true
@AbapCatalog.preserveKey: true
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK
@EndUserText.label: 'test CDS'
define view ZVFI_TEST as select from data_source_name
association [1] to target_data_source_name as _association_name
    on $projection.element_name = _association_name.target_element_name {
    _association_name // Make association public

let’s make a CDS view with data on the chart of accounts (CoA) and GL account texts in two languages ​​at once. Those we need standard SAP tables:

  • SKA1 (GL account data)
  • SKAT (text table)

The tables are connected by the fields ktopl and saknr. In skat-spras there is also a spras key field with a language for texts.

And the final table should be, with columns:

  • CoA Chart of accounts (SKA1-KTOPL)
  • GL Account number (SKA1-SAKNR)
  • English account text (SKAT-TXT50 where SPRAS = EN)
  • Portuguese account text (SKAT-TXT50 where SPRAS = PT)

First, let’s set the CDS name for the ABAP repository (sqlViewName), by this name it will be possible to access the view, for example, via se16n/h. To do this, fill it in the first line at CDS:

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'ZVRFI_TEST'

Next, add join conditions for tables SKA1 and SKAT and define the fields we need in perspective, first for the English language in SAKT, it should look something like this:

define view ZVFI_TEST as select from SKA1
association [1..1] to skat as _skat_en  
    on ska1.ktopl = _skat_en.ktopl
    and ska1.saknr = _skat_en.saknr
    and _skat_en.spras = 'E'
    key SKA1.ktopl as Ktopl,
    key SKA1.saknr as Saknr,

Let’s activate our CDS and check how it works. You can check in two ways:

1. Directly in Eclipse, press F8 and see the result:

2. Go to SAP GUI and run se16, se16n, se16h etc.

Once you made sure that everything works, let’s add the texts in Portuguese at CDS view:

define view ZVFI_TEST as select from ska1
association [1..1] to skat as _skat_en  
    on ska1.ktopl = _skat_en.ktopl
    and ska1.saknr = _skat_en.saknr
    and _skat_en.spras = 'E'
association [1..1] to skat as _skat_pt  
    on ska1.ktopl = _skat_pt.ktopl
    and ska1.saknr = _skat_pt.saknr
    and _skat_pt.spras = 'P'
    key ska1.ktopl as Ktopl,
    key ska1.saknr as Saknr,
    _skat_en.txt50 as en_txt50,
    _skat_pt.txt50 as pt_txt50

Let’s check the result:

Everything is working fine. For a simple example, let’s stop here and move on to data visualization using IDA.

Creating a CDS-Based Report Using IDA

Let’s create a new program in se38. At the custom program just call method create_for_cds_view->fullscreen->display in the class CL_SALV_GUI_TABLE_IDA ,change the name of CDS in the iv_cds_view_name parameter, i.e. So, just one line of code:

cl_salv_gui_table_ida=>create_for_cds_view( iv_cds_view_name = 'ZVFI_TEST' )->fullscreen( )->display( ).
Activate and run the report (F8):

Everything works, data from CDS view is displayed in the report.

Usually, however, also needed a selection screen, where users could specify some restrictions. In this example, let the selection fields be:

  • CoA Chart of Accounts (SKA1-KTOPL)
  • GL Accounts (SKA1-SAKNR)

To do this, add to the program a block with a selection screen and these fields



And pass the restrictions from the selection screen to IDA:



  DATA(o_ida) = cl_salv_gui_table_ida=>create_for_cds_view( iv_cds_view_name = 'ZVFI_TEST' ).
  "Copy restrictions from selection screen
  DATA(o_sel) = NEW cl_salv_range_tab_collector( ).
  o_sel->add_ranges_for_name( iv_name = 'KTOPL' it_ranges = so_ktopl[] ).
  o_sel->add_ranges_for_name( iv_name = 'SAKNR' it_ranges = so_saknr[] ).
  o_sel->get_collected_ranges( IMPORTING et_named_ranges = DATA(lt_sel_crit) ).
  o_ida->set_select_options( it_ranges = lt_sel_crit ).
  "Show IDA
  o_ida->fullscreen( )->display( ).

As a result – the selection screen at will be:

Report results:

Now the reports seems fine. But, since using new tools, let’s add some beauty to the report:

  • Rename columns for texts
  • Add a quick selection of options (layout)
  • Add a Layout Selection to the Selection Screen
  • Add full-text search by account name
  • Add a hotspot to the master account data (tr. FSP0 )
*& Report ZFI_TEST_CDS

"Add layout field to selection screen
PARAMETERS: p_layout TYPE if_salv_gui_layout_persistence=>y_layout_name.

CLASS lcl_event_handler DEFINITION .
      handle_hot_spot FOR EVENT cell_action OF if_salv_gui_field_display_opt
        IMPORTING ev_field_name
CLASS lcl_event_handler IMPLEMENTATION .
  METHOD handle_hot_spot.
              EXPORTING iv_request_type = if_salv_gui_selection_ida=>cs_request_type-all_fields
              IMPORTING es_row          =  ls_wa ).
*        Hotspot actions
        CASE ev_field_name.
          WHEN 'SAKNR'.
            SET PARAMETER ID 'SAK' FIELD ls_wa-saknr.
            SET PARAMETER ID 'KPL' FIELD ls_wa-ktopl.
            CALL TRANSACTION 'FSP0'.
          WHEN OTHERS.
      CATCH cx_salv_ida_contract_violation

 DATA ls_persistence_key TYPE if_salv_gui_layout_persistence=>ys_persistence_key.
 ls_persistence_key-report_name = sy-repid.

  cl_salv_gui_grid_utils_ida=>f4_for_layouts( EXPORTING is_persistence_key = ls_persistence_key
                                              IMPORTING es_selected_layout = DATA(ls_selected_layout) ).
  p_layout = ls_selected_layout-name.

  DATA(o_ida) = cl_salv_gui_table_ida=>create_for_cds_view( iv_cds_view_name = 'ZVFI_TEST' ).

  "Copy restriction from selection screen
  DATA(o_sel) = NEW cl_salv_range_tab_collector( ).
  o_sel->add_ranges_for_name( iv_name = 'KTOPL' it_ranges = so_ktopl[] ).
  o_sel->add_ranges_for_name( iv_name = 'SAKNR' it_ranges = so_saknr[] ).
  o_sel->get_collected_ranges( IMPORTING et_named_ranges = DATA(lt_sel_crit) ).
  o_ida->set_select_options( it_ranges = lt_sel_crit ).

  "Adjust column names
  o_ida->field_catalog( )->set_field_header_texts( iv_field_name    = 'EN_TXT50' iv_header_text   = 'EN Name' ).
  o_ida->field_catalog( )->set_field_header_texts( iv_field_name    = 'PT_TXT50' iv_header_text   = 'PT Name' ).

  "Turn on text search feature
  o_ida->standard_functions( )->set_text_search_active( abap_true ).
  o_ida->field_catalog( )->enable_text_search( 'EN_TXT50' ).
  o_ida->field_catalog( )->enable_text_search( 'PT_TXT50' ).

  "Turn on layouts
  o_ida->layout_persistence( )->set_persistence_options( is_persistence_key = VALUE #( report_name = sy-repid )
                                                         i_global_save_allowed = abap_true
                                                         i_user_specific_save_allowed = abap_true ).
  o_ida->toolbar( )->enable_listbox_for_layouts( ). "включим выпадающий список вариантов
  if p_layout is not initial. "установим layout с селекционного экрана
         o_ida->layout_persistence( )->set_start_layout( p_layout ).
      catch cx_salv_ida_unknown_name.
        message i000(0k) with |Layout { p_layout } unknown - continue w/o start| | layout...|.

  "Hotspot handler
    DATA: gr_event_handler TYPE REF TO lcl_event_handler.
    CREATE OBJECT gr_event_handler.
    o_ida->field_catalog( )->display_options( )->display_as_link_to_action( 'SAKNR' ).
    SET HANDLER gr_event_handler->handle_hot_spot FOR o_ida->field_catalog( )->display_options( ).
  CATCH cx_salv_ida_unknown_name cx_salv_call_after_1st_display.

  "Show IDA
  o_ida->fullscreen( )->display( ).

What I got as a result, the normal selection screen (I only added a field with options):

In the report itself, the columns were renamed and new functions appeared:

Compared to classic ALV:

  • Text search (two mechanisms: search and fuzzy search), field for searching here:

  • A quick selection of layouts, a drop-down list with saved layouts appeared in the toolbar at the top (I saved the layouts “ttt” and “ttt2”):

In some versions of the system there is a bug with saving options, it is solved by SAP note 3196994 – “IDA-ALV – ALV Layout not being saved”

  • Grouping functionality (in my opinion this is a very helpful)

With it, you can build any hierarchies in a reports (several fields at once), make subtotals, etc. An example of a two-level hierarchy, the first level is the chart of accounts, the second level is the GL account and its EN text (through a slash”/”):