Try out practice tests to get the C_GRCAC_13 certificate and prove that you possess the basic and overall understanding of Access Control 12.0 concepts. Learn about some practical study tips to become a SAP Certified Application Associate – SAP Access Control 12.0. For a change, C_GRCAC_13 video study materials break the monotony of preparation and boost your knowledge. C_GRCAC_13 practice tests work one step further and offer an excellent opportunity to check your knowledge and performance. Therefore, check out the valuable study materials and take the shortest path to your SAP Certified Application Associate – SAP Access Control 12.0 certification.
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We all know that practice is highly beneficial to get better with any of our skills. Then how could it get wrong for the C_GRCAC_13 exam? When you opt for the C_GRCAC_13 practice tests, it helps you to face the actual exam-like questions. Moreover, you get the scope to make your preparation better through the unlimited attempt option. So, explore the C_GRCAC_13 practice test questions for better self-assessment. When you assess yourself and work on your strengths and weaknesses, it works for your improvement and helps increase your score easily in the exam.
MSMP Workflow Maintain paths and stages. Customize MSMP workflow. Maintain rules. Generate versions. Maintain agents. Maintain notification variables and templates. |
> 12% |
User Provisioning Configure settings to provision users. Configure provisioning and field mapping. Configure end user personalization form. Create and copy requests for user access and organizational assignments. Configure parameters for periodic access review requests. Configure password self-service. |
> 12% |
Access Risk Management Configure Access Risk Analysis. Maintain risks and critical access rules. Guide customer to recognize and remediate risks. Create mitigating controls and assignments based on customer requirements. Configure and monitor audit trails. |
> 12% |
Emergency Access Management Configure Emergency Access Management settings. Set up SAP Access Control scheduled jobs. Plan for emergency access. Set up critical firefighting roles and assignments based on customer requirements. Guide customer on how to monitor emergency access. |
> 12% |
GRC Configuration Settings Configure shared SAP Access Control settings. Synchronize objects in the SAP Access Control repository. Schedule and view background jobs. Activate Business Configuration (BC) sets. Describe the SAP Governance, Risk and Compliance portfolio of solutions. |
8% – 12% |
Integration Framework Create and maintain connectors. Configure shared SAP GRC settings. |
8% – 12% |
Business Role Management Configure role methodology. Map roles to authorize access to specific application functions. Create business roles to group related roles. Perform Role Mass Maintenance operations. Use role mining to consolidate roles. |
8% – 12% |
Business Rule Framework Define SAP Access Control workflow-related BRFplus rules. Create business rules in the Business Rule Framework (BRF). Create BRFplus Applications for SAP Access Control. |
8% – 12% |
Periodic Review Configure periodic review settings for periodic reviews, User Access Review, SoD Review, Firefight ID Assignment Review. |
< 8% |
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Tags: C_GRCAC_13 study material, C_GRCAC_13 syllabus, C_GRCAC_13 books, C_GRCAC_13 practice test, SAP Certified Application Associate – SAP Access Control 12.0, Access Control 12.0, Access Control 12.0 certification, C_GRCAC_13 certification guide