Accelerate MOVE to SAP S/4HANA objective is to move installed base customers from SAP ECC to SAP S/4 HANA. We will focus on engineering activities to ensure that customers can move effortlessly from their current systems to SAP S/4HANA.
One of the deliverables is to use tools for SAP S/4HANA Conversion with the benefits of getting transparency, make SAP S/4HANA conversion easier and effortless.
The tool in question here is Application-Specific Upgrade toolbox for SAP S/4HANA or ASU toolbox for SAP S/4HANA as abbreviation.
The tool
- is a collection of all the information, guidelines, conversion tools, check tools and Notes that are not available in the ‘Simplification Item Check’ or ‘Simplification Readiness Check’ and that help customers migrate their systems in the most efficient way and with a minimum of side effects and bugs
- is based on ASU powered by CSI could act as a fill-in to quickly provide additional content to our customers. It is a companion to the Simplification Item Check
- The Simplification Item Check contains most of the automated checks, but missing some useful information like, manual tasks and documentation, etc.
Customer benefits
Migration costs and time needed are reduced to a minimum.
Single point of entry for all kind of information that helps to understand the difference to SAP S/4HANA.
SAP benefits
Avoidance of incidents due to Migration problems (incident reduction initiative).
Immediate roll-out of new documentation on a daily basis, no shipment required.
Higher Acceptance for the MOVE Project
ASU toolbox for SAP S/4HANA Life Cycle

ASU toolbox for SAP S/4HANA does not replace existing best practices or tools and is SAP Application-Specific, unlike standard technical conversion guidelines.
The tool is based on 2 pillars; The Software is ASU toolbox for SAP S/4HANA and Conversion knowledge is ASU Content.
ASU toolbox for SAP S/4HANA features
- Tree structure – Preparation/Follow-Up Conversion Phase; Important/Additional Steps per Application Area
- Double Click or Execute on step to start linked action note, transaction, report, IMG activity, URL …
- Click on Column Links, Context Menu or Toolbar Function
- Scheduling & Executing Batch Reports
- Step Validity Check
- Tree Display <-> Grid Display
- Enhanced possibilities to filter steps
- Content Update – Copy & Merge
- Customer owned Steps
ASU Toolbox for S/4HANA: Transaction Code /ASU/AMT

ASU Schedule Manager: Tree structure – Preparation/Follow-Up Conversion Phase

ASU Schedule Manager : Expanded Tree Structure
Important/Additional Steps per Application Area

ASU Schedule Manager : Double Click or Execute on step to start linked action à note, transaction, report, IMG activity, URL …

ASU Schedule Manager: Click on Column Links, Context Menu or Toolbar Function

ASU Schedule Manager : Scheduling & Executing Batch Reports

ASU Schedule Manager : Step Validity Check(1)
Basic Approach
- Display only those steps in ASU Toolbox which are relevant for the current conversion.
- Relevant = used within customer business processes!!
- Each step could be assigned in ASU XML Content Version to software components/business functions & switches/class methods
- BAdI based validity check with default implementation according to installed software components, activated business switches/functions, customer/SAP implemented check class method.

ASU Schedule Manager : Step Validity Check(1)

ASU Schedule Manager : Step Validity Check (3)
To see all steps regardless of validity check: switch off/on validity check

ASU Schedule Manager : Tree Display <-> Grid Display

In Grid Display the same features and functions are available as in the Tree Display.
Except: AdHoc Steps
ASU Schedule Manager: How to arrange, filter steps? Tree Display

ASU Schedule Manager: How to arrange, filter steps? Grid Display

ASU Schedule Manager: Content Update (1)

ASU Schedule Manager: Content Update (2) – new Task List

ASU Schedule Manager: Content Update (3) – Copy & Merge

ASU Schedule Manager: AdHoc-Steps

ASU Schedule Manager: Miscellaneous (1)

ASU Schedule Manager: Miscellaneous (2)
Via SPA/GPA user parameter /ASU/SSM_DEF_DISPLAY you can permanently define the default display type ALV Tree (T) or ALV Grid (G). To set this parameter you can also use menu path „EXTRAS -> Set Default Display Type“

ASU Schedule Manager: Dependent Steps (1)
In ASU Content Version dependent steps could be defined. A step should be executed only if all ist dependent steps have a user status „OK“.

ASU Schedule Manager: Dependent Steps (2)

ASU Toolbox for SAP S/4HANA: Integration of Readiness Check

After using the tool application-specific upgrade toolbox for SAP S/4HANA you will accelerate SAP S/4HANA Conversion with the benefits of getting transparency, make SAP S/4HANA conversion easier and effortless.