How to add country specific field to SF EC Position and integrate it with SAP ERP


You use SuccessFactors Employee Central as a master system to manage Positions. EC Position Management is switched on.
The EC Positions are replicated into SAP ERP system using the prepackaged integration EC – ERP Position Replication.

To support country specific requirements you need to add country specific information to the Position.
You would like to add the additional country specific attribute to EC Position, replicate it to SAP ERP and post it to the SAP ERP infotype.

In the example below I add the Indicator for Hazardous position as a country specific field for USA.

You need to process the following main steps:

  • Add custom specific field in Position object in EC
  • Ensure that the oData API is refreshed in EC
  • Use Business Add-In (BAdI) to post the field to ERP infotype in SAP ERP

Add custom specific field in EC Position MDF (Metadata Framework) object

  1. In EC system go to Admin Tools -> “Configure Object Definition”
  2. Select “Object Definition” and “Position”

How to add country specific field to SF EC Position and integrate it with SAP ERP

3. Make Correction

How to add country specific field to SF EC Position and integrate it with SAP ERP

4. Add a new custom field e.g. cust_hzd_ind (Indicator for the Hazardous position).
5. Choose the Data Type e.g. “Boolean” for the Indicator (True/False)

How to add country specific field to SF EC Position and integrate it with SAP ERP

6. Go to “Details”
7. Enter Label e.g. “Hazardous position”

How to add country specific field to SF EC Position and integrate it with SAP ERP

8. Go to “condition”
9. Enter fieldId “company.countryOfRegistration.code” and value e.g. USA for Unitied States.

How to add country specific field to SF EC Position and integrate it with SAP ERP

This condition will provide field for “Hazardous position” indicator once the Position is created in United States.
10. Click on “Done” and “Save”.

Ensure that the oData API is updated

Go to Admin Tools -> OData API Metadata Refresh And Export
11. Click on “Refresh”

How to add country specific field to SF EC Position and integrate it with SAP ERP

Test the new Indicator field while creating a Position in EC

12. Go to “Manage Data” -> Create New Position

How to add country specific field to SF EC Position and integrate it with SAP ERP

13. Assign Position to the US Company. Field ““Hazardous position” display.

How to add country specific field to SF EC Position and integrate it with SAP ERP

14. Set indicator to “Yes”.
15. Save the Position.

If you configured the prepackaged integration for the Position replication, the created Position will be replicated into SAP ERP system.

Check field in Inbound service interface PositionReplicationRequest_In

16. Go to the SAP ERP system.
17. Call Transaction SRT_MONI
18. Check Inbound Message of Interface Name “PositionReplicationRequest_In”
You will find custom Field (cust_hzd_ind) and Field Value (true) under node “SourceDataModelExtensionFields”.

How to add country specific field to SF EC Position and integrate it with SAP ERP

Use Business Add-In (BAdI) to post the field to ERP infotype

19. Use BAdI EX_SFIOM_PROC_CUSTOMER_FIELDS Interface IF_SFIOM_PROC_CUSTOMER_FIELDS to post the custom field in SAP ERP infotypes. The custom field is available in import table it_osi_details_custfext.